Sunday, June 5, 2011

What is in your cup?

(*I saw this photo in an add on one magazine...
maybe for coffee promotion?
Yet, it reminds me that how tea could be inspiring...)

(This is a "Hakka" Tea-Haiku)




Saturday, June 4, 2011



Thursday, May 26, 2011

Another TOST Group!

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共樣个師傅 共樣作沒停



Another year has passed by...
Returning to this old place

Same tea garden, same smiling...
Same masters, same good tea

Returning to this old place
New adventure with different friends here

(*For our new friends who join the Taiwan Oolongs Study Tour...
with different groups of friends each trip, we learn and expect a new adventure!)

Thursday, May 5, 2011


(in Hakka Taiwanese)



天馬行空遶天下 ( lau 到處遊覽 伸展想像力遊覽天下 )

Having a pot of good tea to accompany my reading
Unleashing my imagination beyond borders while I enjoy it
Riding around on a heavenly horseback high over the world





Sharing a pot of tea with my beloved one
Understanding and affection yields out of tea while we chat
More chatting, more understanding, and sympathy...





Sharing tea with groups of friends
More topics and ideas are popping

More information obtained and more benefits gained





With tea to greet and sipped with conversation
Friends enjoy coming and chatting for relaxation
Remain in good spirit always help us stay healthy


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Choice of no choice

Life is not about waiting

for fine teas to enjoy...

It is about learning

how to enjoy every tea you encounter...


Tea and You

If you are cold, tea will warm you.
If you are heated, it will cool you.
If you are depressed, it will cheer you.
If you are excited, it will calm you.

Cha Jing

Tea tempers the spirit and harmonizes the mind,
dispels lassitude and relieves fatigue;
awakens thought and prevents drowsiness.

(Lu Yu, 5th Century Chinese Poet)

Go! Taiwan Tea!

(in Hakka Taiwanese)

烏龍茶 烏龍茶
包種清 高山醇 東方美人韻味佳
品種改良 作工出眾 茶人用心值得誇
世 界 茶葉舞台 台灣茶展風采

Oolong Tea, Oolong Tea
Taiwan produces various Specialty Oolong Teas
We love the purity of Pouchong,
the lingering finish in Gaoshancha,
and that unsurpassed flavor and taste in Oriental Beauty.
With fine cultivars and improving craftsmanship,
our salute to those tea masters' great efforts.
Go! Taiwan Tea!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Oriental Beauty

(in Hakka Taiwanese)

Formosa 烏龍茶 實在讚 蓬萊寶島介特產
作茶介功夫 第一流 一年一季來膨風
綠色介茶蟬 六月來訪問 留下特殊天然蜜香
風行全世界 人人都誇讚 東方美人名聲最響
作茶介功夫 第一流 一年一季來膨風

Formosa Oolong truly is amazing,
the famous and unique product of Taiwan.
Great craftsmanship to produce this tea,
merely one short crop every year.

Those green leaf-hoppers are angels from the heaven,
arrive in June with their natural fragrance.

The beloved Formosa Oolong is known as
"Oriental Beauty" throughout the world.

Delightful Rain

(in Hakka Taiwanese)

天 公 吶... 落 水 啊...
天公吶 落水啊
阿哥啊 戴著笠媽 來到茶園唇
茶樹啊 青又青 茶枝生満嫩芽新葉

天公吶 落水啊
阿妹啊 摜著點心 來到茶園唇
看哥啊 笑咪咪 期望好茶啊 賣出好價

天 公 吶..... 落 水 啊 ......

Pon Fon Cha

(in Hakka Taiwanese)

飲茶要飲囉 (Hey! Hey!)
膨風茶 呐 (Ho He Hey!)
一心兩葉 來漂漂
飲落喉囉 介 著一驚 吶

綠色介浮塵子 (Hey! Hey!)
來訪問 吶 (Ho He Hey!)
無得比啊 介 膨風茶 吶

Wenshan Pouchong

(in Holo Taiwanese)

包種茶 正清香

照起工 輕輕手來浪
葉邊紅 著花香
包種 氣味 真 迷 人

Tie Guan Yin

(in Hakka Taiwanese)

鐵觀音 盡傳神
佇台灣 生了根
布球包 揉成型
竹籠裝 炭火炡
焙出 陣陣 茶葉香
入喉 轉甘 韻味長
好茶 拿 來 請 人 飲
讚歎 台 灣 鐵 觀 音

Tung Ting Oolong

(in Holo Taiwanese)

鹿谷凍頂山 青心烏龍湠
比賽眾人來 工夫磨真利
日頭晒啊晒 生葉走水香
急火炒 布球用力揉啊揉
凍頂烏龍茶 滋味真特別
一杯又一杯 好茶是不夠賣

Azusa Mountain Tea

(in Hakka Taiwaese)

Azusa 有啊冇 恁樣介茶園
茶園肚 有啊冇 採茶介細妹
細妹肚 有啊冇 捱中意介人

(*This is based on a very popular Tea song from Keuizhou, China. Josephine and I moved in Azusa Mountain Cove since Feb 2010. We did plant a few tea bushes in the slope of our front yard. Now after two winters, our
tea bushes are happily and vigorly growing...I made a beautiful wish in this Tea Haiku.)

Taiwan, the Paradise of Camellia sinensis !

Taiwan, the Paradise of Camellia sinensis.
With its fertile soil for tea culture to flourish.

(in Hakka Taiwanese)

台灣實在好地方 茶樹介天堂
好山好水好氣候 好茶滿山頭
紅茶綠茶烏龍茶 各有老茶客
代代茶人恁打拼 台茶基礎正

青心烏龍好種草 茶甘香氣高
金萱翠玉四季春 滿奈多人種
紅玉十八新品種 滋味當出眾
青心大冇若著涎 膨風茶盡展

台灣實在好地方 茶樹介天堂
好山好水好氣候 好茶出風頭
包種半球老凍頂 東方美人夯
代代茶人愛煞猛 保住好名聲

Old saying from Japan

Drink water
when you're thirsty...
Have some tea
while you're lonely...

With your soul, tea could heal it all.

(*the photo shows the hand-written note from my father on Summer/2010)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Morning Tea

A cup of morning tea
keep you safe
from ominous happening in the day.
It is worthwhile even going back
3 miles of the way to have a cup of morning tea
than to go on the way again.

(The Japanese old saying...)

(In Hakka Taiwanese)
「早朝茶避邪 值得倒轉三里路 食杯早朝茶正去」


(in Mandarin)

天南地北 何其容易
眾人之前 三言兩語

讓大家駐足傾聽 少談玄理 多說故事
從種茶 作茶 賣茶 買茶 送茶 喝茶....去加溫
茶人茶事 無盡趣事

無苦不成甘 有趣方延緣

Friday, February 4, 2011


Leaf, Water and Vessel.

Amount of leaf, termperature of water, and time of infusion, harmonized together.

Eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind;
Color, sound, aroma, taste, feel and measure.
Harmony - a cup of tea for me.
